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How to Choose a Theme For a Charity Event

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Charity events raise a lot of money for fundraising causes and gain a lot of attention for the charity or cause running the event. But with more charities springing up every day representing a diverse number of causes, how can you get your fundraising event noticed by fundraisers and the media?

The best charity events don't follow a cookie-cutter approach - they are themed for each charity. They may also have a secondary theme that makes the event stand out.

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Charity themes are those that make each event unique to your charity. For example, charity balls are very common, but have you ever been to a charity ball where you can bring your pet? This would be a perfect, and unique, way to fundraise for an animal charity. The event stands out because it's fun, different, and it also represents the charity perfectly.

How to Choose a Theme For a Charity Event

Other charity-themed event ideas:

Pink parties for breast cancer charities Kid-friendly events for children's charities Athletic events for sport charities Pet-themed parties for animal causes Environmental events for green charities

Consider who your target fundraising audience is and what charity you're representing to come up with an ideal theme: Climb a mountain for Sport Relief, hold a tree-planting party for Greenpeace, or hold a pink bake sale at a local community centre. All of these ideas are much more interesting than generic charity events like dances, balls or parties.

You can also choose a secondary theme for your fundraising event. This can be anything but should tie in with what's going on in your community. Seasonal events like Halloween, Christmas, Easter and Valentine's Day parties are popular.

You can also look to your local community for inspiration. For example, if you live at the seaside, a beach party might be the perfect charity event for your fundraising efforts.

Look around you for ideas and have fun with it. Anything that will make your charity event stand out from the others is an idea worth considering.

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